International Journal For Innovative Engineering and Management Research

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Editorial Policies

Exceptional duplicates are seen with the understanding that the makers have not pardoned any ethical practice proceeded in arranging and development of biomedical sytheses. The overview practices that are seen as conspiring are given in the journal site. Maker/s is/are dedicated for all the attestations made in their work and should be eager to watch them direct, at whatever point endeavored. Makers should set up their pieces submitted to the journal obviously as showed up by the headings given. Sytheses which don't follow the arrangement and style of the journal may be returned to the makers for update or acquitted. The journal keeps up whatever authority is depended upon to make any further standard changes and language reviews significant in a piece apparent for stream. Exceptional duplicates and figures are not returned to the makers, not unending deftly of the paper.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Ijiemr Dispersal Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement is based, in epic part, on the rules and standards made by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The essential obligations and requirements for makers, specialists, and editors of the journal are set out underneath.


By familiarizing a creation with SRP, the author(s) warrant that the chief duplicate is their own, astonishing work and that it has nor been passed on beginning at now nor is directly eventually being considered for assignment elsewhere. They similarly warrant that the wellsprings of any thoughts and moreover words in the structure that are not their own have been fittingly attributed through certified references or possibly suggests. A maker should not typically fitting remarkable duplicates depicting essentially close to assessment in various journals or dissipating settings. Such monotonous portion is reliably considered to create exploitative streaming behavior, and at whatever point found may achieve a creation realistic being exculpated, or a spread article being pulled back.