Intelligent condition monitoring for distribution transformer using GSM module
Dr. S. S. Sarma, Dr. J. Ranga, Mr. T prathap, Mr. B. Ashok Kumar, Mr. A V N S L Narayana
Page No: 602-605
As distribution transformers are very costlier in electrical industry therefore this paper presents the system which monitor different parameters of distribution transformer. There are two units which are remote terminal unit (RTU) and monitoring unit. Remote terminal unit consist of analyzing parameters such as current, temperature , rise and fall in oil level, vibration and humidity with the help of PIC 18F4550. All monitoring parameters are processed and if any abnormality occurs, the system sends Alert messages to the mobile phones and recorded in system memory through analog to digital converter. All parameters values are send to monitoring node through GPRS. If any emergency condition occurs immediately message send to the corresponding engineer through GSM and similarly on webpage we can get alert about it through GPRS. Near remote terminal unit buzzer will beep and LCD gives notification about emergency condition. An engineer at transformer cannot continuously keep an eye on transformer therefore given proposed system does communication with us at emergency conditions of distribution transformer through GSM/ GPRS module
Volume & Issue
Distribution transformer; PIC microcontroller; GSM/GPRS module;current; temperature; oil level; vibration; humidity; Remote terminal Unit (RTU); Monitoring Unit.