
Akshya S, Kalpana G

Page No: 354-377


Blockchain is the primary technology behind Bitcoins, which has lately received a great deal of focus. Blockchain is an emerging technology changing the simulated reality by bringing a raw perspective to network protection, elasticity, and functionality. Blockchain is in charge of an indelible history that allows for localized exchanges. Blockchain-based solutions were gaining traction in various areas, notably banking and government, reputational services, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Therefore, obstacles to distributed ledger systems must be overcome, such as stability and privacy measures. It delivers a protected means of exchanging all sorts of items, resources, and trade. Honest connections were critical to commercial success; nevertheless, rising oversight, cyberattacks, as well as deceit were hindering progression. Blockchain will allow highly adaptable value networks, speedier creation, improved client relations, and greater convergence of IoT and cloud technologies to tackle various issues. Furthermore, Blockchain lowers trade costs by utilizing a trustworthy contract that is supervised without the interference of outsiders who cannot provide a tangible benefit. This allows smart-contracts, commitments, and deals with robust cybercrime embedded. This article aims to establish the groundwork for exhibiting and demonstrating the use of Distributed ledger technology in a broad range of commercial situations. The ideas may be used in various sectors, including banking, administration, and production, wherever safety, portability, and effectiveness are necessary. The blocks contain transactions linked together as a cryptographic link. The original record will not be visible to the user. It presents only the encrypted value of records to the user is termed Cryptography. When deployed across an extensive network of users, blockchains perform better and more efficiently. Blockchain is more than just a technology that underpins the Bitcoin network, blockchain technology is capable of doing much more work. This article covers an insight into blockchain architecture before delving into numerous popular consensus technology found in several blockchains. Furthermore, methodological limitations and rapid advances are briefly explored. We also go through a study of Blockchain applications that use Blockchain technology, as well as the hurdles and potential blockchain emerging outcomes. This review study will be helpful for future research on blockchain safety problems.


Blockchain, Consensus algorithm, Neural Architecture Search (NAS), Security, Smart contracts

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