A New hashing Technique for Transmitting Data Securely


P Vyshnavi, M JayaMadhuri, P SriVasavi, K Keerthi, N Gayathri, Prof. R Ramesh

Page No: 46-51


Every aspect of human life revolves around security[1]. The most frequent and crucial query that emerges whenever a new technology is introduced is Security. When data is transmitted from one location to another, it must do so securely and without losing any information. On the other hand, it can be harder to provide security and secure data because hackers are constantly coming up with new ways to do so. By authenticating the data at both ends, we offer security in this paper. A hashing algorithm SHA-512 is used to compare hash values and authenticate the data. Where the data is transmitted and stored securely[2], users can follow the data and check its status.


Encryption, SHA512, Hashing, Authorization, Hash Keys, Security.

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