A Smart Agriculture Framework with Machine Learning based Crop Selection and Auto-Irrigation


Mr. S. Praveen kumar

Page No: 235-250


IoT-based savvy horticulture is an original methodology that utilizations organized sensors and gadgets to expand crop creation and upgrade cultivating rehearses. To give ranchers reasonable bits of knowledge, it contains getting information from different sensors, including soil dampness, temperature, stickiness, and weather conditions station sensors. The information is then examined utilizing machine learning algorithms. Shrewd horticulture fueled by IoT can likewise save costs and increment efficiency for ranchers. Ranchers can bring down work costs and assurance steady and right info application via mechanizing a few cycles, such treatment and water system. Moreover, ranchers can limit crop misfortunes and lift income by speedily recognizing and resolving potential issues by watching out for ecological circumstances progressively. To augment farming efficiency and protect assets, two critical advances in present day horticulture are machine learning based savvy water system and brilliant harvest choice. Brilliant harvest choice chooses crops that are generally fit to the nearby climate and can give the greatest returns for ranchers by breaking down information on soil conditions, weather conditions, verifiable yield yields, and market request utilizing machine learning algorithms. Brilliant water system utilizes machine learning algorithms to adjust water system plans in light of soil dampness, weather conditions, and plant water interest to diminish water misfortune and lift crop efficiency and quality. At the point when consolidated, these advancements can uphold ranchers in guaranteeing economical and compelling agribusiness, safeguarding assets, going with information driven choices, and adjusting to changing ecological circumstances



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