A study on Cloud Computing


Miss Aditi Aswar , Miss Anjali Raut , Miss Anjali Wankhade,Miss Ashelsha Chukekar , Miss Ayesha sadaf Mohammad Atique, C. A. Kshirsagar Mam

Page No: 104-112


Cloud computing or cloud services is introduced by Amazon in 2006.This is particularly suitable for city like hongkong because of large amount of data being processed in daily life in various sector. But nowadays cloud computing can easily be achieved in computer Science.it is a technique were the delivery of Computer services including server storage database, networking software in presence of internet to offer faster innovation. Cloud computing is a lifetime dream of computing as a utility, has the capacity to convert a huge part of the IT industries by making software even more attractive as a Services and shaping hardware in design and purchased. Cloud computing is new technology which deliver a new model for information and Services by means of existing grid-computing technology. Server in cloud computing can be physical Machine or Virtual machine. Advanced cloud Includes other computing resources such as storage area network (SAN), network Equipment firewall and other Security device.


1Aws(Amazon Web Services). 2 Microsoft Azure 3.Google cloud platform. 4.Infrastructure. 5.Azure Storage 6.Cloud backup

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