AI-Powered Enhancements in PCI Information Security: Safeguarding Transactions and Data


Avinash Gupta Desetty, Srinivas Reddy Pulyala

Page No: 54-61


With nearly 2 billion transactions made using credit cards per day, ensuring the security of sensitive payment information should stand as a top priority in the Payment Card Industry (PCI). Traditional cybersecurity strategies are becoming ineffective as threats grow more sophisticated. This trend has led to the increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in information security practices. This paper delves into the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing information security within PCI environments. The AI-driven strategies for PCI information security explored include threat detection, fraud prevention, behavioral analysis, advanced authentication, compliance monitoring, and predictive analytics. These strategies capitalize on AI's capacity to rapidly analyze extensive data, identify anomalies, and forecast threats, thereby bolstering defense mechanisms against evolving cyber risks. However, integrating AI into information security poses challenges and ethical concerns that all industry stakeholders must understand. This paper discusses these challenges and how the players in this industry can address them


Payment Card Industry (PCI), PCI DSS (PCI Data Security Standard), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, Threat Detection, and Threat Intelligence

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