An Expert System for Insulin Dosage Prediction


Guguloth Vinay, MD Mustafa, K. Praveen Kumar

Page No: 1168-1174


Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic condition that lasts a long time. With regular blood glucose level (BGL) adjustments, diabetic patients can generally lead normal lives without running the risk of major issues in the long run. However, for a variety of reasons, blood glucose levels in the majority of diabetic patients are not properly regulated. But standard defend methodology like as eating nutritious food sources and rehearsing are valuable for diabetes patients to coordinate their BGLs, taking the perfect proportion of insulin segment is the most fundamental rule in the treatment cycle. In this review, we present a model in view of artificial neural networks (ANNs) that can foresee how much insulin a diabetic patient necessities. Weight, fast blood sugar, and gender data from numerous patients were used to train and evaluate the proposed model. When it came to figuring out the best insulin dose, the proposed model did a good job.


artificial neural network (ANN), blood glucose levels (BGLs) .

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