
M.Rajesh, Tadikonda Sai, Yamarthi Venkata Sai Raju, Yejju Nikhil, Yesrab Ali

Page No: 1500-1506


In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for autonomous robots that can be deployed to fight fires in hazardous environments. This paper presents the design and implementation of an autonomous fire-fighting robot that uses an Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, Adafruit motor driver, HCSR04 ultrasonic sensor, 3 flame sensors, 2 motors for wheels and castor wheel on front, 1 water pump, and 1 servo motor with HCSR04. The robot is designed to navigate through hazardous environments and locate fires using the flame sensors. Once a fire is detected, the robot uses the ultrasonic sensor to determine the distance to the fire and approaches it. The robot then activates the water pump to extinguish the fire. To move around, the robot uses two motors for the wheels and a castor wheel on the front to ensure stability and manueverability. The servo motor is used to adjust the angle of the ultrasonic sensor, allowing the robot to detect fires at different heights. The robot's behaviour is controlled using an Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, which processes the sensor data and controls the motor driver and water pump. The system is designed to operate autonomously, requiring minimal human intervention. Experimental results demonstrate that the robot is capable of successfully navigating through hazardous environments, detecting and extinguishing fires. The proposed system presents a promising solution for fire-fighting in hazardous environments.


Arduino Board, Flame sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Servo motors, DC motors, Code.

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