Comparative Analysis of Different Cloud Provider and Their Services


Dr.Nitesh kaushik , Dr.Rishi Kumar Sharma , Sunil kushwaha , Vinayak Son Chitresh Mathur

Page No: 21-25


Today due to increase in technology and new technology advancements and innovations, the businesses are moving from on-premises to cloud whether it be the new startups or existing organizations find cloud to be more feasible than the traditional methods. Cloud Technology , the drift from due to which the assets are given to the limited client for the requirement basis, by taking assistance from net. Mobile cloud computing is due to some devices which are involved in cellphones. In this research, there is a brief analysis of top Mobile cloud service providers namely as Google(GCP), Amazon(AWS), and Microsoft(Azure). In recent years, it has been seen that many businesses are shifting to cloud services because they provide businesses to grow themselves at higher levels by providing computing power, storage, databases, and many other useful IT infrastructure tools. So it is necessary to analyze which service provider is best solution for the particular category of company and which cloud provider is cheaper than others who provided more services than anybody at a cheaper price or low prices. The sudden closing of the schools, offices and firms have highly increased the demand for cloud solutions and services which the cloud industry and cloud-providing companies are getting boomed because of the pandemic situation. In this article, a comparison is shown between the cloud services and features that are provided by the Google, Amazon Web Services, and Microsoft Azure how they differ from each other in terms of their computational, Kubernetes, and storage services.


Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, AWS, Azure

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