Development of Measurement Model for Measuring Service Quality in Secondary Education


Dr.P.Uma Maheswari Devi, Dr.N.Uday Bhaskar

Page No: 897-911


Education is the key to social and economic development of a society. It encompasses every sphere of human life. Level of literacy has a profound bearing on the level of human development. In India, the education system is broadly divided into three major stages viz., Primary, Secondary and Higher Education. Several steps were taken to strengthen education system in the country in terms of achieving the goal of providing education to all through universal enrolment, and ensuring literacy for all children of school going age either through formal or non-formal system of education. However, the quality aspect of education remained by and large a neglected area till today. India with a great human resource has the potential to be a leading knowledge power in the world if the education system from the very beginning is designed to ensure quality output. All over the world education is exceptionally acclaimed as the best pre requisite for human advancement. The school education is the bedrock of every individual’s education. In this scenario the present study is aimed at developing a model to measure the quality of service in Secondary schools of South India.



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literacy, school education, quality of service