
Mr. N. Ashok Kumar, A. Venkata Mohith Pavan, K. Rambabu, M. Balaji, A. Venkata Phanindra

Page No: 905-911


The integration of augmented reality (AR) technology in education has gained significant attention due to its potential to provide an immersive learning experience. In this paper, we explore the development of an AR application for educational purposes using Unity 3D and ARCore. The working of the applications depends on the scripts that were written in the C# Language. The AR application is designed to create an engaging and interactive learning environment by providing 3D models related to the subject matter. We discuss the development process of the AR application. The application was designed to be used on Android mobile devices, making it easily accessible to students. The benefits of using AR technology in education are also discussed, including increased student engagement, improved understanding of the subject matter. The paper also includes the results that shows the accurate working of the application.


Augmented Reality, Unity 3D, ARCore

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