Enhancing Plant Disease Diagnosis with Convolution Neural Networks and Leaf Image Analysis


Pathula Sneha, Dr.S.China Venkateshwarlu

Page No: 140-153


Plant infections present critical dangers to rural efficiency and food security. Exact and opportune conclusion of plant illnesses is urgent for powerful infection the board. This exploration centers around upgrading plant sickness determination through the reconciliation of Convolutional Brain Organizations (CNN) and leaf picture examination the prepared model accomplishes high exactness in arranging sicknesses across different plant species. The proposed approach holds guarantee for ongoing illness recognition and dynamic in sickness the executive’s systems. By working with ahead of schedule and precise infection analysis, it adds to further developed crop yield, horticultural supportability, and food security. The mechanized framework can help ranchers and farming specialists in going with informed choices for convenient mediation and powerful infectious prevention


Deep Learning; Convolution Neural Network (CNN); leaf pathology; leaf disease

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