Enhancing Security and Efficiency in IoT Device Authentication through Blockchain Integration


Velivela Gopinath ,K Venkata Rao,S Krishna Rao

Page No: 69-78


The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has ushered in a new era of interconnectedness, offering transformative possibilities across industries. However, this interconnectivity also introduces unprecedented security challenges, particularly in the realm of device authentication. Traditional authentication mechanisms, often centralized and vulnerable, struggle to provide adequate protection in the evolving threat landscape.This research paper presents a comprehensive framework aimed at fortifying the security and efficiency of IoT device authentication through the integration of blockchain technology. By harnessing the decentralized, immutable, and cryptographic attributes of blockchain, this framework offers a novel approach to address authentication vulnerabilities.The proposed framework amalgamates a hybrid authentication mechanism that combines public-private key pairs and multi-signature authentication. This not only establishes robust device identities but also empowers devices to autonomously manage access permissions. Furthermore, the integration of self-sovereign identity management augments device autonomy, reducing dependency on central authorities. To counteract scalability concerns, new consensus mechanisms tailored to IoT environments are explored. Additionally, an energy-efficient proof-of-stake algorithm is introduced, minimizing energy consumption compared to traditional proof-of-work approaches. Interoperability is achieved through cross-protocol communication protocols, enabling seamless authentication across heterogeneous networks.User experience is paramount in this framework, manifesting through intuitive interfaces for key and identity management. Privacy is upheld through the incorporation of zero-knowledge proofs, ensuring secure authentication without compromising sensitive device data


Internet of Things, IoT device authentication, blockchain integration, security, efficiency, consensus mechanisms, energy efficiency, self-sovereign identity, privacy-preserving authentication, interoperability

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