Health-Care Service-Oriented Cloud Computing Optimization Model


T Harika, Dr V Sravan Kumar, Nayini Devender, S. Santhosh Kumar

Page No: 54-60


One of the most popular information systems research topics is cloud computing. Healthcare businesses in particular must assess and manage specific risks connected with cloud computing in their information security management system due to the nature of the processed information. In the meanwhile, anybody can attack cloud service providers. We propose an optimization method and construct optimization-based identity management architecture for cloud computing to address the issue. We present a specialized decision model system with a service-oriented, thorough analysis scheme in this work. We used the proposed multilevel analysis scheme in the research to regulate security-based data flow in an example data center. We established role-based access control after determining the safest, energy-efficient, and environmentally better security measures


resource management; security management; healthcare providers; optimization mechanism; cloud computing

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