The Function of Botanical Garden in the Study of Climate Change
Dr Aarti Chouhan, Dr K Jayanthi, Jige Sandipan Babasaheb, Dr. Khushal N. Pathade
Page No: 508-521
This review paper aims to explore the significant contribution of botanical gardens in the study of climate change. Botanical gardens play a crucial role in environmental research, conservation, and education. This review will provide an overview of the key functions of botanical gardens in the context of climate change research, highlighting their importance as living laboratories, repositories of biodiversity, centres for public engagement, and platforms for collaborative efforts. The paper will also discuss various methods and initiatives employed by botanical gardens to study climate change, including plant collections, phenology monitoring, conservation efforts, and outreach programs. Furthermore, it will examine the challenges faced by botanical gardens and potential future directions for their involvement in climate change research. Through this comprehensive review, we aim to emphasize the critical role of botanical gardens as vital resources for understanding and addressing the impacts of climate change.
botanical gardens, climate change, biodiversity, environmental research, conservation, education
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