
Mr. Rajesh Tanna | Ms. Madaka Reshmi | Mr. Akula Bala Pavan Kumar | Ms. Mounika Kinjangi | Ms. Thanuja Sravya Maddala

Page No: 63-70


This article introduces Smart Hand Gloves, an innovative technology designed to help individuals with physical disabilities, especially those who are with speech impaired persons and old people for whom communication is a bit difficult. This paper presents an overview of recent developments in smart hand glove technology, highlighting their diverse applications and functionalities The gloves utilize advanced technology to detect hand gestures, enabling users to communicate and interact with the environment more effectively. Through comprehensive research of existing literature and user requirements analysis, this study explains the design principles and development of the Smart Hand Gloves. Practical implementations and user testing demonstrate the efficiency and usability of the gloves in real-world scenarios, highlighting their potential to enhance the quality of life for speech impaired individuals. Additionally, the gloves are incorporated with programming done in C++ for hand gesture recognition. The Arduino micro controller that we used here will detect the movement of fingers and will give output in the form of audio and text message through DF Mini player and GSM Module. For the continuous power supply to this smart hand glove, we are adding BMS (Battery Management System) to charge the battery. Future directions for research and development in this field are also discussed, emphasizing the importance of inclusive and accessible technologies


Contactor, DF MINI Player, Hand Gesture, Glove, Speaker, GSM Module, Arduino, Micro controller, Commands, smart hand gloves, sign, audio

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